ABA Holographic Silver GLITTER (15ml)

Manufacturer: Amerikan Body Art
SKU: HSilverG-15
Holographic Silver GLITTER - perfect for face & body art.

 Ultra fine cosmetic grade holographic Silver glitter. It can be used for face & body painting, glitter tattoos, and for making nail polish. This color should NOT be used for making glitter gel. Our Ultra-Fine glitters are .008 hex particle size.

Holographic Silver GLITTER (15ml)

  • Cosmetic Grade Glitter
  • Holographic Glitter Particles
  • Prismatic Special Effects
  • Comes in a Poofer Bottle 

 Glitters can safely be used around the eyes.

Hold the poof bottle 1-3 inches from the design/skin and gently squeeze. For best results apply the glitter on top of a face painting design while its still wet so the glitter will stick to the paint.
Important**** "Cosmetic glitter" is a term used by the make-up industry, for glitter that meets certain standards which are believed to allow for safe usage.  These standards include: being made from polyester/plastic, hexagonally shaped particles sized .008 or smaller, and use of pigments which have been generally approved for cosmetic use by the FDA.  However, these are standards created within the make-up industry itself and not by the FDA.  In fact, the FDA does not approve the use of ANY glitter in ANY cosmetics at all. They are currently "monitoring" the situation and not "enforcing" this ruling, but those are the facts.  As every major cosmetic company in the world, currently uses glitter in their products, we can only assume and hope that the FDA will eventually approve and adopt specific regulations with regards to cosmetic use of glitter in the near future.  Although all of our glitters marked "cosmetic" do meet industry standards for safety, their use in cosmetics is strictly at your own discretion.


 Final SALE. Sorry, NO REFUND OR EXCHANGE, due to hygiene and quality reasons.




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Cosmetic Glitter for face paint!
Love holographic glitter! I bought gold and silver!

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